So You’ve Been Invited for a Job Interview…

You’ve been invited for a job interview!  Your first reaction was likely “yay.” However, with time for reflection, your response may have turned into “OMG!”  So, what to do?

The job interview process will be much less scary and you’ll present better if you’re well-prepared. Preparation will be key. Research the company, the position and the people you’ll be meeting with:

You can check your favorite internet sources for information about the company. A site called can give you some additional info because it has honest posts from people who work at the company who share their experience. If anyone in your network works at the company or knows someone who does, you can ask them about the company and position.  Linkedin will give you information about the people you’ll meet.

Perhaps the most important thing to prepare is a list of relevant accomplishments and skills that you want to make sure to communicate. You want also to prepare a list of questions about the company or the position that show that you’ve done your homework. For example, “I know that such-and-such is growing quickly in this industry. How is that affecting your company and potentially, my position?”

Your visual presentation will be important too. You want to look as though you’re already in the position and not as though you’re aspiring to it. Depending on the industry and the level of position you’re interviewing for, business casual may be appropriate. Senior executives should wear a suit and those interviewing in a more creative area may be able to wear more creative clothing. Checking with someone you know in the company/industry can be very helpful. If in doubt, it’s always better to err to the conservative side.

If you have questions about an upcoming interview, feel free to contact us at or call us at (312) 285-2000. And watch for an upcoming article on handling interviews and doing follow-up.

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