Should I Job Search in December?

Is it smart to look for a job in December?  Clients often ask whether they should start or even continue their job search in December. They sometimes assume that holidays are not a good time to look for a job. In fact, the job market does slow down and some people use the time to travel, go home to see family, etc.

However, you can take advantage of this time by staying active when others may not be. By continuing to search and network, you can get a jump on the more active January job market, when companies often have new hiring budgets.  Also, some recruiters may need to fill their hiring quotas by year-end, providing another edge in your job hunt.

Take advantage of the flurry of holiday events to make new contacts and renew old ones. You can mix and mingle at holiday parties. (Be sure to bring your business cards!) You could even host a gathering of your own. You might find it easier than usual to socialize because you can profit from the holiday atmosphere. Be sure to attend parties and social events when you’re invited because besides being fun, they offer the opportunity to make new contacts. Depending on the timing, you may want to contact people you meet shortly after the party. If it’s really close to the holidays, you may want to wait till after New Year’s to contact them.

You may invite former co-workers or colleagues individually for coffee or a drink. In these meetings, which can be a mix of networking and socializing, you may be able to gain information about open positions, planned expansion, new directions, etc., in your colleagues’ companies or industries. And you can always ask whether they have contacts who might be useful for you to contact after the New Year.

In addition to benefiting from the social atmosphere of the Holidays, you can be researching and planning the steps you’ll take in January to energize your job search. Review your calendar to see if there are meetings you’ve had that you want to follow up on. Ditto your list of contacts to see if there are people you haven’t talked to in a while. LinkedIn could also be a source of new connections. You can do some online research to look for companies that would appeal to you as prospective employers. And there may be professional meetings that you want to calendar –and attend– in the New Year.

Implement some of these suggestions to be ready for the active hiring season that usually begins in January. And don’t forget to save some time to relax and enjoy the Holidays!

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